Thursday, July 22, 2010

Writer's Block

I haven't written in a while. I've started many posts but haven't completed them. Some of them are just titles and then I sit there and stare at the screen, lots of stuff whirling around in my head and none of it making it onto the page in front of me.

After thinking about this for some time, I think I've finally figured out what was causing my "writer's block". After everything that we have been through to get to this point, I know we got lucky. I know that every day that I get to stare into my beautiful babies' eyes. I know that not everyone that walks along the road of IF get to take the turnpike marked "BABY". There are still a large number of my sisters who are still yearning for their babies and not knowing how or if they will be able to have them at all. Like I said, I know we got lucky.

I feel somehow that since I got to have children, that the Universe smiled at me one day and IVF finally worked for me, I've lost my right to have any concerns. Life should be simply perfect shouldn't it? What more could I possibly want? I have a loving husband, two beautiful children, a wonderful dog, supportive friends and have worries after having achieved the dream seems almost obnoxious. Sometimes I feel as if having concerns is like having complaints and that seems like I'm being entirely ungrateful for what I do have but that is not the case.

I didn't struggle with what to write about when we were cycling and contemplating next steps for treatment...IF was my rallying cry and I had found this wonderful online community with others like me. Now, I feel as though when I write about things, I must tread carefully, softly, for who wants to read whiny blog posts when so many are still chasing the dream? I've dabbled in writing about the day to day activities of my girls but that seems false and trite in light of the struggles of IF. It feels as if I am rubbing it in and that is not my intention at all. I feel like my posts should be all sunshine and light and anything but is a betrayal of every infertile's dream.

I can see that I have lots of visitors from all over the world and I'm curious to know a few things. Why do you read my blog? Are you reading this blog because you came across this from my IF blog and want to know where I am at now? Are you a new parent like I am? Is there anything that you would like to ask me about being on this side of the fence? I'd like to hear from you and I invite those who have been lurking for a while to drop me a line to tell me what you find interesting about my blog.

For now, I've decided that the central theme to my blog posts will be just as my tag line says...I am a new parent and I am trying to figure things out. I mean no one any disrespect and I am not complaining, truly. This is the place where I do it and like IF, I appreciate the advice and opinions to help me navigate through parenthood.

So that's it...all figured out for now.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Yes you are lucky. But as someone who has no husband or kids (or even a Daisy!) I am still ok with you having a bad day and needing to vent. That said, when your earlier posts seemed all full of stress, I was worried you were not giving yourself permission to enjoy being a Mom as you are trying to be the perfect Mom. I know commented to you on this. The comment was out of concern, not because you are not allowed to be sad or frustrated like everyone else.
    Remember when you were trying to get pregnant and you said some people stopped inviting you to thing that would remind you that you were not a Mom? It would have been nice for you to have the chance to decide to go or not. I think that is like the blog. I don't have kids and may never get to have kids, but I still like to be invited along to live *vicariously* through you and share your experience. If someone is chosing to read your blog, and they are chosing to hear what you put out there. If they don't like it, they shouldn't read.
    That being said, I would LOVE for you to add a new dimension to your blog. Please tell the stories of your day. What silly thing happened. What the girls did to amaze you. What happened that you didn't expect and was never in a parenting manual - even if it sounds like complaining. Then the blog could be a tool to share your life and adventure with those who want to come along for the ride. I definitely want a ticket .....

  2. I think you have the right to feel how you feel. Your blog is your space and should be a place for you to get your thoughts out whether venting, or praising or enjoying or whatever. We read because you are writing and we like hearing what you have to say. So keep it up.

  3. I came here from your IF blog, and stick around because I like reading about what's going on with your two who are so close in age to mine. I think it's good to have IF-turned-parent blogs out there that don't make out that all is totally peachy keen all the time. It's great to read your realistic take on things.
